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Insurance Changes for Attending School in Another Province

As students prepare to leave for school, they may have concerns about their living arrangements, social circle, and laundry responsibilities. Yet, it is important for them also to consider their insurance coverage. The shift to a new lifestyle could affect their insurance requirements, so it is crucial to be aware of the following considerations.


What you need to know about your vehicle insurance

Car insurance is a form of insurance that offers monetary security for motorists in the event of physical harm or bodily injury caused by a car crash. It also includes protection for car theft and other damages that may happen as a result of an accident or other unforeseen event.

If a full-time student needs to move to a different province, they might be able to retain their driver’s license and insurance, depending on the province’s rules. Readers are advised to refer to SGI’s Studying and Work Terms to determine if they are eligible to keep their license from Saskatchewan.

Students who are enrolled full-time in a Saskatchewan educational institution are permitted to operate a vehicle under their out-of-province driver’s license (except for Class 1 vehicles) as long as the license remains valid. To be eligible for a student allowance driver’s license in Saskatchewan, the student must fulfill the following requirements:

    • Students must be enrolled full-time at a recognized educational institution.
    • They must have lived in Saskatchewan for a minimum of 90 days before departing the province for school.
    • Filing Saskatchewan income tax is mandatory.
    • A valid Saskatchewan mailing address is required.
    • Possession of a driver’s license from any other Canadian jurisdiction except Saskatchewan is not permitted.


In the case where a student utilizes a vehicle with a Saskatchewan license plate that is owned by another individual, the registered owner must also fulfill the qualifications for Saskatchewan residency. It is important to note that there may be other factors to consider, including but not limited to:


Part-time Jobs

As long as a student is still considered a full-time student by their educational institution, they can continue to receive the student allowance for their vehicle even if they have a part-time job.


Job Opportunities for Students during Summer

Students employed during the summer season are still eligible to receive the student allowance as long as they are enrolled or intend to enroll in full-time courses for the upcoming fall term and if their place of work in Canada allows this.


After Completing Studies

Upon finishing their education, students who decide to live outside of Saskatchewan will no longer be eligible to receive the student allowance. If they intend to stay in the new province, they must switch over their Saskatchewan driver’s license to that new province.

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If you are considering bringing a car on your trip, obtaining a comprehensive car insurance policy is recommended to ensure adequate coverage. Depending on the province, auto insurance may differ, making the minimum liability limits provided by license plates insufficient in case of a claim. For instance, Saskatchewan’s basic license plate coverage only offers a $200,000 liability. Furthermore, you have the option to add additional coverages such as loss of use and road hazard glass for added reassurance while driving on the highway.


As a student, do you need to obtain rental insurance?

The cost of textbooks can be a considerable burden, but other expenses can quickly add up. If your child is financially reliant on you, your existing homeowner’s insurance might cover them while they are renting and attending school. Reviewing the specifics or consulting with your insurance advisor is important, as the eligibility requirements may differ among insurance companies.

If they are not deemed dependents, a tenant policy will be necessary for them. This applies to their residence while attending school and the landlord if they are renting, as neither will provide coverage for their belongings. It’s highly recommended to consult with your advisor before heading off to school. This will ensure that your insurance coverage is sufficient.

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