Hail Insurance

hail in hands after hailstorm

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Protect your crops with confidence and get reliable Hail Insurance.

Don’t risk the fate of your farm to unpredictable Saskatchewan weather. Choose from our four trusted hail insurance companies and rest easy knowing your crops are protected.

Click on one of the below topics to unpack your Hail Insurance:

Definition of Hail ←

As a farmer, it is important to understand the precise definition of hail. Hail is a type of precipitation characterized by transparent or partially opaque balls or irregular lumps of concentric ice. It is important to note that hail is distinct from other types of frozen precipitation, such as sleet, snow, and frozen or partly frozen rain.

Deductible Options ←

As a policyholder, you may come across the term “deductible.” Essentially, it refers to the sum of money you, as the insured, must pay towards a covered loss in case of a claim. Typically, insurance providers offer a range of deductible options for various types of coverage. However, choosing the most suitable deductible option is not always straightforward. Here are some key considerations:

  1. A lower deductible means higher compensation for significant losses
  2. A higher deductible means reduced rates by avoiding the adjustment of small losses

FAQ to Ask Advisor ←

  • When does my hail coverage begin?
  • I’ve already bought a hail insurance policy but want to add more coverage. How do I do this?
  • What should I do if I plan on being away from my crops during the growing season?
  • What are the limitations of liability under my hail insurance policy?
  • What types of hail insurance can I buy?
  • Does my hail insurance cover any other perils?

Coverage Limits ←

Question: Can I obtain insurance coverage for my crop that exceeds its value?

Answer: It is recommended that the insurance limits procured are sufficient to compensate for the revenue loss caused by hail.

Notice of Loss ←

To initiate a Notice of Loss, it is imperative to submit it in writing as it cannot be accepted via telephone. Filing the Notice within 72 hours of the storm ensures prompt processing.

In the case of an after-hours claim emergency, please call 306.791.3757.


Loan Protection ←

Our Loan Protection coverage is not a one-size-fits-all style policy. Our personalized policies translate to better coverage and premiums that are, on average, 30-50% lower than traditional Creditor Insurance. We also allow you to lock in your rates, so you will not face expensive increases down the road.

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Protect your crops from unpredictable weather: 2022 results.

Saskatchewan weather can be unpredictable, and hailstorms in 2022 caused significant damage to crops across the region. Between July 4th – 11th, the Canadian Crop Hail Association (CCHA) investigated more than 1,102 storm-related claims for crop damages. Although the number of active weather days that produced storms was below average in 2022, the cost per claim went up significantly, resulting in record-high claim payments.

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hailstorm 2022

Protect your crops with the best coverage options.

Don’t leave the fate of your crops to chance. Our team of experts can help you find the best hail insurance coverage for your farm so that you can rest easy knowing your hard work is protected. We offer a range of flexible payment options to fit any budget, and our licensed brokers are always available to provide personalized quotes and advice. Choose from our four trusted hail insurance companies and rest easy knowing your crops are protected: Canadian, Palliser, Co-op, and Rain & Hail.

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hail insurance

Homeowner insurance protects you against fire, wind, hail and more!

Your home is more than just a roof over your head—it’s where you make memories and feel safe. Protect it with our homeowner insurance specifically designed for your unique risk. Get a free quote today and have peace of mind wherever life takes you.

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For over 100 years, we’ve been serving the community and providing essential hail insurance coverage to farmers in Saskatchewan.

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