Renters Insurance

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Tenant Insurance Saskatchewan, online quotes available with HWICLICK!

With purchase, you get access to the online portal where you can instantly access your policy documents and allows you to make updates 24/7.

Click on one of the below topics to unpack your Renters Insurance:

What is Contents Coverage ←

Contents or belongings insurance is a specific amount to replace your clothes, furniture, TV, appliances, etc. Our personal belongings might cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace. This coverage cannot be removed from your Tenant insurance policy; however, you can choose the coverage limit.

Click here to see our downloaded checklist to help determine where to start.

Tenant Personal Liability ←

To be liable means simply that you are found to be legally responsible. If you are liable for injury to someone or found responsible for damage to another’s property, you can be sued for damages. No one likes to imagine being sued. But accidents happen, and if one does occur and you’re deemed negligent, you could find yourself with a hefty settlement.

This type of insurance is essential because it helps protect you from financial losses that may occur due to a lawsuit.

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Personal Valuables Limits ←

Personal Valuables/Increased Limits Coverage enables you to increase the insurance amount for a specific high-value item that would otherwise surpass the limit provided in your base policy.

– Fine Jewellery
– High-value watches
– Works of Art
– Bikes

Do I Need Sewer Back-Up ←

Living in a building with shared plumbing means you can’t predict what may be going down the drain. But when it comes back up, it’s gross.

Root growth, blockages, or even breaks in pipes exiting your property or apartment building can cause backups in kitchens, laundry rooms, or bathrooms. A standard insurance policy doesn’t provide coverage automatically, but you’ll often be able to purchase coverage as a rider.

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Personal Health Plan eQuote ←

Get a customizable health insurance plan that helps replace or fill the gaps in your provincial or workplace benefits, whether you’re looking for individual or family health insurance that best meets your needs. A Basic Plan Includes:

  • Dental
  • Prescription Drugs
  • Health Practitioners

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What is Tenant Insurance?

Tenant insurance, or renter’s insurance, is a policy designed to protect the personal belongings and liability of tenants living in rental properties. While the landlord’s insurance covers the building, tenant insurance covers the contents within the rented space. The primary purpose of tenant insurance is to safeguard your personal belongings from unexpected events, such as theft or fire.

Apart from protecting your personal possessions, you also have liability protection.


couple looking at phone

How much does Renters Insurance cost?

As you anticipate the cost of tenants’ insurance, you get to choose a deductible to fit your budget. A higher deductible often leads to lower premiums, whereas a lower deductible offers more protection against out-of-pocket expenses if you have a claim.

The amount of coverage also affects the price. The more coverage you have, the higher the cost of insurance.

Cost Calculator 

How can I save money on tenant insurance

Rental property insurance, insurance landlords

Suppose you have a trustworthy tenant who consistently rents your property or are working on improving your Airbnb profile to attract bookings for your downtown condo. In that case, you understand the importance of owning a rental property as a substantial investment. Allow us to assist you in finding the appropriate insurance coverage, regardless of the type of space you are renting.

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rented dwelling insurance

Get a quote for Renters Insurance with HWICLICK, quote different coverage options and purchase policy minutes!

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