Emergency Medical Insurance

foot with a cast with crutches

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Emergency Medical Insurance: Single-trip and Multi-trip plans are available.

It’s important to note that our provincial health coverage may not cover emergency medical costs when we are outside Saskatchewan or Canada.

Click on one of the below topics to unpack your travel insurance:


Define an Emergency ←

An emergency is defined as an unforeseen ‘medical condition’ requiring immediate treatment to reduce danger to one’s life or health. The emergency is over when you can continue your trip or return home. Some medical emergencies that travel insurance can cover are:

  • A fall
  • Broken limb
  • Being hit by a falling object
  • Unexpected illness caused by infection or reaction
  • Heatstroke

Coverage Benefits ←

When you purchase Emergency Medical, you’ll get coverage for:

  • Ambulance Costs
  • Emergency dental
  • Hospital services
  • Prescriptions
  • Treatments
  • Medical evacuation by air ambulance

Billing if Abroad ←

First, billing practices vary from country to country. Present your travel wallet card with your policy number and contact information for travel assistance. Please keep your original bills and receipts to submit them to your insurer for later reimbursement.

Blue Cross Insurance ←

Blue Cross is an organization that offers a wide range of health insurance products and services, including health, dental, travel, life and disability benefits. They insure and manage health programs for individuals and organizations across Canada.


*Please be aware that by clicking the above button, you’ll be redirected to a quote portal at the following address: partner.quote.on.bluecross.ca where you can complete your application and purchase your coverage.

GMS Travel Insurance ←

Group Medical Services (GMS) is a Canadian organization that provides health, dental, and travel insurance plans. They’ve been around since the 1930s and focus on providing easy-to-understand plans with helpful customer service.


*Please be aware that by clicking the above button, you’ll be redirected to a quote portal at the following address: my.gms.ca/buyflow/travel where you can complete your application and purchase your coverage.

Tugo Travel Insurance ←

TuGo is a Canadian company with over 55 years of experience specializing in travel insurance. They offer a variety of travel insurance plans to protect travellers from unexpected events during their trips, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations, trip interruptions, baggage loss or damage, and even flight delays.


*Please be aware that by clicking the above button, you’ll be redirected to a quote portal at the following address: shop.tugo.com where you can complete your application and purchase your coverage.

We offer single-trip or multi-trip Medical Plans.

You can choose between single-trip and multi-trip plans to ensure you’re covered. Multi-trip medical plans are perfect for those who travel frequently or are Snowbirds. On the other hand, single-trip plans are designed for travellers with one specific trip.

So, select the best plan that suits your travel habits and enjoys your journeys without any worries.

BlueCross Quote  GMS Quote  TUGO Quote

hand holding toy airplane over tropical island

What does the provincial healthcare plan include?

It might come as a surprise, but your provincial healthcare, Saskatchewan Health, offers coverage for only certain things when you are travelling outside the province. It may not cover the entire cost of certain things, either.

For example, the cost of an ambulance or prescription drugs typically is not covered by your government health plans. If you don’t have insurance, the cost of emergency transportation or medications could burn a hole in your pocket.

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health insurance concept

Stay informed and COVID travel FAQs.

Pandemic Travel FAQS provides the latest information on Canadian Government travel warnings and advisories, helping you understand how they could impact your insurance coverage. Don’t let uncertainty hold you back from travelling – stay informed and confident with our comprehensive resources.


women in airport wearing protective mask while social distancing

We offer protection for all your travel needs. Prioritize your health and safety for the next big adventure with Emergency Medical.

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