Seasonal & Cabin Insurance

cabin by the lake

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Protect your vacation home with Seasonal Home Insurance.

Owning a seasonal cabin is a dream come true, but it’s essential to protect your investment regardless if its a cabin in the woods or a cottage by the lake.

Click on one of the below topics to unpack your Seasonal Property Insurance:

Dwelling Coverage ←

This protection safeguards the physical structure of your cabin, including walls, roof, and foundation, against perils like fire, windstorms, vandalism, and theft.

Unless otherwise shown on the cover page, the settlement basis is the Actual Cash Value for loss or damage to mobile homes or their outbuildings. When determining the value of your home, don’t forget to consider the cost of debris removal services.

Contents Insurance ←

Your personal belongings inside the cabin, such as furniture, appliances, and electronics, are covered under this provision. In case of a covered loss, this coverage helps you replace or repair damaged or stolen items.

If the building is damaged by fire, it could all be gone instantly. The dilemma arises when your adjuster asks you to provide a list of lost or damaged items when filing a claim. Do what you can to keep a record of your belongings by taking a picture of your closet or a video of you walking through each room.

Personal Valuables ←

Personal Valuables/Increased Limits Coverage enables you to increase the insurance amount for a specific high-value item that would otherwise surpass the limit provided in your base policy:

– Fine Jewellery
– High-value watches
– Wine and Spirits
– Works of Art
– Bicycles

Personal Liability ←

To be liable means simply that you are found to be legally responsible. If you are liable for injury to someone or found responsible for damage to another’s property, you can be sued for damages. Accidents can happen, even in the calmest of environments. Liability coverage protects you financially if someone is injured on your property and holds you responsible for their medical expenses or legal fees.

Fire Fighting Cost ←

Depending on where your seasonal is located, you may have one or more volunteer fire departments responding in the event of a fire. If this is the case, you may be surprised by a hefty bill when it’s all over. With Voluntary Fire Fighting coverage, this expense would be covered by your policy up to the limit stated on your policy documents.

Contact your RM to find out the going cost for your area if the fire department were to respond.


Loan Protection ←

Our Loan Protection coverage is not a one-size-fits-all style policy. Our personalized policies translate to better coverage and premiums that are, on average, 30-50% lower than traditional Creditor Insurance.

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Find a WETT Inspector for your wood-burning stove.

If your cottage has a wood-burning stove, it’s important to ensure that it is Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) certified. Wood stoves used as the primary heating source can significantly impact insurance applications, as many insurers will only accept the property if you can provide the WETT certification.

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Safeguard your holiday home or vacation property now.

Ensure the safety of your cabin or seasonal dwelling by avoiding any potential damage or loss. Our insurance policies, specifically designed for seasonal properties, provide coverage against fire, wind, theft, hail disasters, and more. Protect your cottage and any outdoor structures on your premises, such as sheds and decks. Obtain a complimentary quote today and experience the peace of mind of knowing your investment is fully protected.

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seasonal property insurance

Protect your lifestyle with watercraft insurance.

Don’t rely on your homeowner’s insurance policy to automatically protect your boat. That’s why we offer insurance policies tailored to your specific needs and cover everything from collision accidents, theft to hail damage. Ask an advisor about getting protection for your boat, outboard engines, equipment and boat trailers.

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boat insurance

Ensure the safety of your seasonal property. Enjoy peace of mind during every season.

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