Frequently Asked Questions: Farm Insurance
Please note that the answers to the questions are for information purposes only for the products discussed. Individual circumstances may vary. In case of discrepancy, the documentation prevails.
See below for our FAQ options to help you find what you’re looking for:
What is Agricultural Insurance?
Agricultural or Farm insurance is specifically designed for farmers or individuals with farm exposure. For example, if you live on an acreage and you rent part of your land out, even if you’re not the one farming, it can still leave you at risk.
What do I do if I experience a weather-related loss of my crop?
To initiate a Notice of Loss, it is imperative to submit it in writing as it cannot be accepted via telephone. Filing the Notice within 72 hours of the storm ensures prompt processing.
Can I obtain insurance coverage for my crop that exceeds its value?
It is recommended that the insurance limits procured are sufficient to compensate for the revenue loss caused by hail.
What does farm insurance cover?
Farm insurance typically covers the farm property, buildings, machinery, equipment, livestock, and crops. It also includes liability protection in case of accidents and coverage for loss of income or additional expenses due to covered events.
What factors determine the cost of farm insurance?
The cost of farm insurance is determined by various factors such as the location of the property, the size of the farm, the types of crops and livestock, the value of equipment and buildings, the desired coverage limits, the location of the farm, and the level of risk involved.
Do I need farm insurance if I have homeowners insurance?
Homeowners insurance generally does not provide adequate coverage for farming operations. Farm insurance is specifically designed to cover the unique risks associated with farming activities, including farm property, equipment, livestock, and liability. If you have farming exposure, you’ll likely need to switch from a homeowners policy to a farm policy.
Are all types of farms eligible for farm insurance in Saskatchewan, Canada?
Most types of farms are eligible for farm insurance, including crop farms, dairy farms, poultry farms, cattle farms, and more. However, eligibility may vary based on the insurance provider and specific criteria they have in place. For example, any custom farming operation will need underwriter approval before binding coverage.
What qualifies as a hobby farm for insurance purposes?
A hobby farm is generally smaller than a commercial farm. It wouldn’t include something as simple as a large vegetable garden. However, if you’re renting out land for farming purposes or raising livestock, it likely qualifies as a hobby farm. It’s best to consult with a local insurance advisor to see if your setup meets the criteria.
Do I still qualify for hobby farm insurance if I don’t have livestock?
Yes! Hobby farm insurance includes other coverage options for machinery, property, and crop outputs and inputs.
What is liability coverage in farm insurance?
Liability coverage in farm insurance provides financial protection to the farmer from legal responsibility for accidents or injuries that occur on their property. It can also cover medical expenses, legal fees, and potential damages from bodily injury or property damage caused by farming-related activities or products.
Do I need farm insurance if I am a hobby farmer?
Even if you are engaged in farming as a hobby rather than a commercial venture, it is recommended to have farm insurance. Hobby farmers still face risks associated with farming activities, and homeowners insurance may not be sufficient to cover these risks adequately.
What should I do in case of a farm insurance claim?
In case of a farm insurance claim, promptly contact your brokerage to speak to an insurance advisor and report the incident to initiate the claims process. Provide all necessary documentation, such as photographs, videos, or receipts, to support your claim to your adjuster upon request.
*The information provided is intended as a general guide. Please consult your specific insurance policy for precise coverage details, including conditions, definitions, and exclusions that apply to your insurance.
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