Business Insurance


Small Business Insurance_Mike Hudey on tablet

Tailored Commercial Insurance solutions for your business.

Our team of experts can help you find the right insurance coverage for your business so you can focus on what matters: growing and thriving.

Browse the categories below for more information on Business Insurance:

Professional Liability ←

Professional Liability for Architects, Engineers, and Geoscientists

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Why choose to work with an Insurance brokerage?

Harvard Western Insurance is an insurance broker, so we can connect you with various insurance providers to find the best Business Insurance for your needs.

With our advisors able to access +80 markets you can choose from policies offered by several reputable insurers, including Aviva Canada, Economical Insurance, Intact Insurance, Llyod’s of London, Northbridge Insurance, Red River MutualSGI CanadaSandbox Mutual, Wawanesa Insurance, and Wynward Insurance Group.

This gives you the advantage of comparing rates and coverage options from multiple companies before you make a decision.

Various Insurance Company Logos

Home-based business insurance for Saskatchewan residents.

This specialized insurance coverage offers protection against the common risks associated with running a business from home. It is essential to note that as a home-based business owner, do not mistakenly assume that your regular home insurance policy covers your business activities. The truth is that most homeowners’ policies exclude claims related to business operations.

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home based business insurance

Get answers to your questions with our Business Insurance FAQs.

We have meticulously curated a collection of the most commonly asked questions, providing you with valuable insights to facilitate policy comparisons and enable informed decisions for your small business. Whether you are embarking on the journey of launching your venture or seeking guidance for future planning, our extensive FAQ section offers expertly crafted answers to help you navigate the process.

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Don’t leave your business vulnerable to risks. Let us help you protect what matters most.

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