Architect & Engineer Insurance

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engineer or architect

Insurance designed to meet architects, engineers, and geoscientists’ unique needs.

With over 20+ years of experience serving APEGS members, we provide comprehensive coverage to protect against risks and errors in your professional services.

Click on one of the below topics to unpack your business insurance:

General Liability ←

Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance, commonly known as “slip-and-fall insurance,” provides essential coverage to safeguard your business against everyday risks. When a business is held liable, it is responsible for the harm suffered by someone not part of the business.

CGL offers protection in the event of third-party bodily injury or property damage that occurs at your business premises. If an accident occurs and it is determined that your negligence played a role, you could have to pay a substantial settlement amount.

Professional Liability ←

Architects are at risk of being held accountable for mistakes that may occur throughout the entire project, from the initial consultation to construction administration. To safeguard against financial losses resulting from negligence, errors, or failure to fulfill promised services, architects must have professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance.

This coverage is crucial for architects in case of design or planning errors, missed project deadlines, etc.

Tools & Equipment ←

Equipment and Tools Insurance is for loss or damage to the equipment used for work. For instance, if your set of tools is stolen from a job site overnight, this insurance policy can help cover the expenses of replacing the stolen tools.



Property Insurance ←

Commercial Property insurance safeguards the property and contents of your office and covers the expenses associated with replacing them in the event of a covered loss. Your office is a physical space and a representation of your professionalism and credibility.

Therefore, ensuring that all the necessary job-specific items within your office are adequately protected is crucial. By securing these items, you can minimize downtime and quickly resume operations after experiencing a loss.

Cyber Insurance ←

This coverage is essential if your business stores sensitive client information, bank records, or other vital information on its computer systems. As a business owner, it’s critical to be realistic about cybercrime risks.

To protect yourself fully, you’ll want to talk to one of our advisors, who can help you assess your situation.

Vehicle Insurance ←

If you own a vehicle that you or your employees use for business purposes, such as attending meetings or visiting/driving clients, having commercial auto insurance can protect you. While a personal auto policy may not be sufficient in such cases, a commercial auto policy can help ensure that you are adequately covered in the event of a claim.

Ask an advisor if you need to add business use permission to your vehicle today to prevent gaps in your coverage.

If I am an architect, do I need insurance?

Absolutely! As an architect, you understand the importance of avoiding risks and errors. Professional liability insurance is crucial for architects as this type of coverage protects against claims related to failing to provide a service or providing incorrect advice. The architects who should consider obtaining this insurance include:

  • Residential and commercial architects
  • Restoration and landscape architects and engineers
  • Architectural designers
  • Architectural engineers


architects with blueprints

We offer APEGS members exclusive Home insurance discounts.

As a member of APEGS, you deserve the best protection for your home. Take advantage of our exclusive discounted home, condo, and tenant insurance rates with the APEGS discount program offered through Peace Hills Insurance.

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Why add Cyber to your Insurance?

When you advise businesses daily, unintentional incidents can occur. A professional error in a piece of work, an accident while visiting a client’s premises that causes injury, or the theft of clients’ personal digital information could have a serious financial impact on your business.

According to (IBC), 41% of small businesses that suffered a cyber attack reported that it cost them at least $100,000.


cyber security

Do you have a question about Business Insurance?

Check out our Business Insurance FAQ ←

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